The zombies
are all over! Go against all odds and try to save your soul.

Read the story

So far

  • 135375 survival attempts
  • 219942 waves survived
  • 2.62 avg wave in a run
  • 15251K zombies killed

It is 2125. Earth is done. The virus took over and only a few thousand survivors managed to escape to four orbiting space stations. While they are getting ready to move on, dropships are scanning the surface looking for survivors.

Looking up from the ground you see the pulsing light of a carrier ship and wish for the best. Another wave of the infected are coming and an abandoned warehouse is your last stand. You don’t have much supplies left but you could be out of here soon.

Team up with 3 friends and join a co-op multiplayer game to defend yourself against the mutant hordes.

Or face the zombie rush on your own if you have what it takes. Either way you need to lead this effort or there is

No Hope For Us was made at the mighty Mito Hackathon, a 24 hours jam where we push ourselves to deliver something awesome in two days and no sleep.

The game was built on top of the Phaser framework, multi-player is powered by a custom Node.js server, and controls were originally pushed through some custom controller gear built with Makey Makey.

Peter ‘Rozmy’ Polgar Pixel graphics
UI design
Bence Faludi Zombie generation,
wave balancing, stats,
backend programming
Nikola Kovacs Phaser game logic
gameplay programming
Mark Laszlo Gamestate, UI,
sound programming
Additional kudos for the final release: Viktor V. Nemeth - music and sound
Csongor Jonas - additional animation
Tamas Virag - project management
Gergo Einger - analytics
Csaba Varga - ux, copy
Gergely Kovacs - frontend